更新时间:2023-10-13 关注:2151
活动中,世界朋友节组委会主席张井涛,老挝乌多姆赛省政府门孔省长及相关领导,澳大利亚山脉部落酋长Marshall Foster(马歇尔福斯特),中国诗歌万里行组委会秘书长祁人,世界诗歌艺术联合会常务主席李犁,全球大健康产业联合会秘书长陈彦竹,老中剑峰橡胶开发有限公司总经理贺兴忠、副总经理贺飞雄,中国医药物资协会顾问杜玉祥,辽宁环保工程优先公司董事长马成海等嘉宾,一起为世界土著文化发展联盟举行了启动仪式。仪式中,澳大利亚山脉部落酋长Marshall Foster(马歇尔福斯特)发表了感言,他对联盟的创建给予了高度评价,他说,“联盟将成为全球土著部落居民的温暖大家庭,将为土著文化的共同发展带来福音!”
Joint Declaration -- World Indigenous Cultural Development Union
With the rapid development of modern technology, humanity has begun to enter the AI era. The Earth, the only home on which we rely for survival, is experiencing unprecedented impacts and baptism from the development of human civilization.
From the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, from the Bronze Age to the Agricultural Age, from the Agricultural Age to the Industrial Age, from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, and to this day, humanity has undergone a long and magnificent evolution. Looking back at the past, while we admire the great journey of humanity, we also regretfully find that we are getting further and further away from our past, and our footprints are becoming increasingly unclear.
Humanity, a unique life with dreams in this universe, needs to rush to the sea of stars. Similarly, it also needs to clarify its origin and better illuminate the future!
It is gratifying that in the process of human development, indigenous culture, with its strong vitality, has been passed down like shining pearls scattered around the world, marking our path of origin and also paying attention to our future.
At present, the path of human civilization's transition from planetary civilization to interstellar civilization is becoming increasingly clear, but the faster and farther humans go, the more precious these "treasures" with the fragrance of ancient human civilization become.
Today, we jointly launch the creation of the "World Indigenous Cultural Development Union", which aims to connect this shining treasure of humanity scattered around the world. Through the efforts of the whole society and humanity, we aim to "protect, excavate, organize, showcase, inherit and develop" this precious cultural resource, reproduce the unique charm of ancient human civilization, and provide more abundant source cultural nourishment for the beautiful future of humanity and eternal soul solace!
On the occasion of the creation of this Union, we collectively appeal to the world and society as a whole. We have a responsibility and obligation to protect this common precious asset of humanity and make it flourish!
1. The Union will fully link global native tribal groups, organize and integrate world indigenous cultural resources, so that they can coexist and thrive, and remain undefeated forever!
2. After the launch of this cause, the Union first needs to integrate the first batch of "Indigenous Culture" resources in the response area, and at the appropriate time, organize and promote the convening of the "First World Indigenous Cultural Development Union Conference". It can be imagined that when different indigenous cultural and artistic performance styles from around the world come together, it will be enough to shake the world!
3. The Union will organize a world indigenous cultural union conference every two years, each conference will set up different themes, such as tribal art performance, food, cultural customs, wedding and so on, gradually showcasing the diversity and richness of world indigenous culture, as well as the charm and modern value of primitive culture.
4. On this basis, we will strive to materialize this cause in various aboriginal regions through investment attraction, that is, establish world indigenous cultural exhibition halls around the world, introduce the history and current situation of native culture in different regions, promote their joint display and dissemination, and promote common prosperity and development.
5. Organize scholars, travelers, and others to connect indigenous cultural resources from around the world with the theme of indigenous culture, forming a "golden cultural route". Conduct themed cultural inspections and trips, deepen people's understanding and understanding of ancient culture, enhance protection awareness, and better serve them.
6. Build a world union system for indigenous cultural development. In the alliance, we will establish branches such as the "Chieftain Association", "Ancient Culture Love Association", and "Ancient Culture and Art Exploration Association" to establish their own long-term contact mechanisms and better promote their professional development.
Laos is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. It not only has rich and colorful cultural heritage, but also has multiple indigenous settlements. It can be said that Laos not only has outstanding people and pleasant land, but also has made unique contributions to protecting the incense of ancient human civilization!
Today, we are in the precious land of Oudomxay, Laos, and on the day of the 8th World Friends Day, jointly launching the creation of the World Indigenous Cultural Development Union. It can be said that the timing, location and people are in harmony, which is indeed fate! I believe that in a few years, when humans recall today, they will surely praise our good deeds!
Today, we have inaugurated a new era of world indigenous cultural development!
October 12, 2023
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